全名:Florian Cloude De Bourneville Armstrong
生日: 1971年12月25日
出生地: 英国伦敦

Dido(蒂朵)在她五岁那年偷了生平第一台录音机,不过这个举 动并没有令 她遭受牢狱之灾反而使她在一年后进入了伦敦 Guildhall School of Music (盖德霍尔)音乐学校就读。
蒂朵从小就是个音乐神童,10岁时精通钢琴、小提琴演奏。她的青少年 时光便是在偷听哥哥 的唱片收藏,以及和学校里的古典乐团一起巡回全英演 出中度过的。16岁时,她深深爱上了 EllaFitzgerald(艾拉费兹杰罗)的音 乐,而这样的热情令蒂朵从一个爱乐者转变成一个参 与者。当时她白天从事创作出版工作,晚上开始和许多乐队在伦敦附近演唱。尽管她著名的DJ 兼制作人哥哥Rollo一再告诫她 千万别放弃白天的正职,不过她却在Rollo于95年筹组的乐队首 张专辑《Reverence(尊崇)》中初试 啼声,演唱了畅销曲《Insomnia(失眠症)》。这支乐 队就是以荣获Muzik杂志五颗星满分评价的 Faithless(无信念),处女作在全球各地创下500 万销售佳绩。接下来的两年中,蒂朵和无信念一起前 往数十个国家巡回演出,经历了与以往 身为古典乐团一员截然不同的日子。而每当蒂朵托着疲惫却亢奋 的身心回到伦敦时,她便会 着手为自己的创作录制一些试听带。
Arista唱片在97年初听到了这些试听带,并安排蒂朵在伦敦的Dorchester饭店与总裁克利夫戴维 斯见面,过去戴维斯曾经成功打造惠妮休斯敦、唐妮布蕾丝顿等流行乐坛天后。这次的会面相 当成功 蒂朵在为戴维斯献唱时,这位乐坛巨擘甚至还忍不住为她和声。于是蒂朵开始展开了 首张个人专辑 《(No Angel)无天使》的录制。
这张发表于99年的专辑是由蒂朵与哥哥、Rick Nowels和Youth共同担纲制作。结合了蒂朵令人 惊 艳的嗓音与敏锐的歌词笔触,专辑从编曲激昂华丽的首支单曲《Here With Me(与我同 在)》、温柔而 热情的《Thank You(谢谢你)》、气氛深沉且混合多重声轨的《Honestly OK(没问题)》,到歌词 中吐露倔强心情的《Don't Think of Me(别想我)》,都展现出她广 泛游走于各个曲风领域的强烈企图。

Dido was five when she stole her first recorder. This didn't leadto prison, but rather to her entrance one year later to the guildhall school of music in london. A bit of a child prodigy, by the time she was 10 she played piano, violin, and the aforementioned recorder.
Her teenage years were an interesting mixture of stealing her brother's record collection (from the clash to Gregory Isaacs to Duran Duran) and touring the UK with her classical music ensemble. And then, at 16, she finally fell in love with Ella Fitzgerald. So began a passion that eventually led dido from listener to participator: she started singing with various bands in and around London, and despite the fact that her brother, Rollo, told her not to give up her day job, she eventually appeared on the debut album of a band that Rollo formed in 1995. This band was faithless, and they went on to sell five million records. Over the next two years, dido toured with Faithless (a very different experience from her classical days) and, whenever she was back in London, also recorded demos of her own songs. On Faithless's current release, Sunday 8pm, Dido appears on two songs*one of which incorporates her own "My Lover's Gone." Arista records heard these demos at the beginning of 1997, and Dido was invited to the Dorchester Hotel in London to meet Clive Davis. The meeting was successful (Clive even helped out with some of the backing vocals as Dido sung to him).
So began the recording of Dido's debut album, No Angel. The album was produced by Dido, her brother, Rollo (obviously now deciding she should give up her day job), Rick Nowels and Youth, and what a beautiful album it is. Unified by both Dido's stunning voice and lyrical acuteness, the album travels through various and diverse styles ranging from the impassioned magnificence of "here with me," the gentle soulfulness of "Thank You" (featured in the recent Gwyneth Paltrow movie Sliding Doors), the deep dubbiness of "Honestly Ok," to the lyrical perversity of "Don't Think of Me." Combining Dido's love for warm acoustic sounds and her brother's fascination for beats and all things electronic, the album is both new and classic at the same time. Above all, it is the quality of the songs that will make this album both durable and successful.

BMG 出品 英语大碟

  Dido(蒂朵)是英国四人超级EPIC-HOUSE / TRIP-HOP电子乐队“FAITHLESS(无信念乐队)”中的客席女主唱。
  6岁进入音乐学校就读接受正统音乐训练,其优异的表现让她在18岁时就已经拿到了钢琴 、小提琴的硕士学位并参与英国古典乐团的巡回表演,直到1995年参与其兄 ROLLO 所组的 FAITHLESS 才算真正的踏入流行乐界中,集谱词写曲及制作于一身的她在参与《SUNDAY 8PM》时也开始其首张个人专辑《No Angel》的录制。
  《No Angel》是一张结合流行/爵士/民谣/电子的精彩作品,DIDO展现出个人独有的声音魅力,有人形容她的声音与 SINEAD O'CONNOR 颇为类似,在SINEAD开始在新作品中加入电子元素显得有点格格不入时;DIDO却在音乐的型态表现中更令人激赏,她时而饱满细致时而如空气般飘逸的嗓音是无人能比的。
  专辑请到FAITHLESS的ROLLO与SISTER BLISS为其制作了多首作品。首支迷幻电子单曲《HERE WITH ME》由其亲自作词谱曲,与EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL的“FIVE FATHOM”颇为相似,而跨界天后SARAH BRIGHTMAN更是以弦乐重新诠释改编收录于其最新冠军大碟《LA LUNA月光女神》中;另一首单曲《THANK YOU》是阿姆最新单曲《STAN》的独唱版;充满FUSION JAZZ般风情的《SLIDE》更是犹如SADE的令人销魂。

01. HERE WITH ME -- 跟我来(明珠台连续剧“ROSWELL”主题曲”)
02.HUNTER -- 猎人
03.DON'T THINK OF ME -- 不要想我
04.MY LOVER'S GONE -- 我的爱人走了
05.ALL YOU WANT -- 你想要的
06.THANK YOU -- 谢谢你
07.HONESTLY OK -- 正当
08.SLIDE -- 滑动
09.ISOBEL -- 依索贝
10.I'M NO ANGEL -- 我不是天使
11.MY LIFE -- 我的生命
12.TAKE MY HAND -- 牵我的手

今天是12月10日,Dido的第四张UK单曲All You Want正式发行了!以下是曲目列 表:
1. All You Want (Album Version)
2. All You Want (Divide And Rule Remix)
3. All You Want (Live)
4. Christmas Day




